
Mr. Bean's Holiday and the Big move.

So I can only speak for at this point about college life. Not yet taken any actual classes I can’t really talk about the academic side of things just yet, but I’ll get to that in another post I’m sure.

It’s interesting, because it’s a lot like a little more adult version of High School, go figure. With it being a lot like an adult version of High School; I’ve officially remade my room (not so much my image because I do the football jock thing just fine) But my room has become something a little less gay, I mean I even took out the questionable DVD’s in my collection and put them in my bottom drawer because if someone came an looked I didn’t want them to see my version of Locked Up.

In all honesty my roommates are pretty cool. I’ve got three other roommates other than myself; Rob, Ben and Jon. We share a sort of apartment style dorm where we all share a bathroom, shower etc. and a common area (couch, TV, table). One room is a double-room, the other two are private rooms, I of course have a private room for which I had to fight tooth and nail to get.

Now as square footage go my room is the same size as Rob’s (he’s the other roommate that has a private room; Ben and Jon share the double.) But Rob’s room is a lot longer than mine and mine is well…a lot wider. So in all practical purposes my room is a cave…still it is only my room and no one else’s which I’m happy about.

I’m on the fourth floor of a newer building just outside the huge football stadium. The floor I’m on happens to be a academically enhanced floor; theoretically you can only be on this floor if your part of ‘Civic Leadership’ an organization that gets together community projects and does a lot of the events around campus. Now I of course am not part of the civic leadership just yet, here in about twenty minutes I’m going to go speak with the academic advisor on the floor about joining, with my personality traits I should be a shoe-in. Theoretically.

The most interesting thing about my personality is how well I go into social situations. I do amazingly well, I am easy to make conversation and make people laugh and the way I can talk to anyone even if I don’t really know them in any sort of context. But I do especially well in forced social interaction, like living in a dorm room with folks you don’t even know, another trait that has served me well over the years.

I think that accounts for me being told I’d do really well filling one of the spots on the leadership team.

I dunno.

Anyway, my next mission is to find a TV for my room. I’ve got a cable outlet but no TV! Someone needs to create a 'I'm-too-poor-to-buy-a-TV-for-my-dorm-room' fund.

Happy trails for now.


P.s- Went and seen Mr. Beans Holiday last night downtown with a few of my floor mates...pretty much the most amazing clean humor film ever...plus I never thought I'd be going with a bunch of college students to see a G rated movie..lol


FosterAbba said...

I was a little disappointed when I went to college, because you are right, there's not much more to it than glorified high school.

My biggest disappointment was going to junior college. There, they gave us lectures about attendance and the nasty things that would befall us if we didn't come to class. University was a little better, but I didn't have many professors that treated us really like adults.

I think dorm life is partially what you make of it, and partially whether or not you are lucky and have good roommates. I was pretty unlucky in that score and moved to off-campus housing just as soon as I could do it.

But I think you have the traits necessary to be a born salesman, so living in the dorms shouldn't be too hard. Just turn on your charm and everyone will like you.

Anonymous said...

After awhile, I noticed that students tend to leave the "I was XYZ in high school" behind and move on. Then again, I still know people who wear their class rings and they graduated 10 years ago.

Enjoy dorm life though. It is a very strange experience to say the least.

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