
Humans, Aliens and creepy stuff in your Tea.

I just recently got back from a movie that was pretty thought provoking.

Something about it comforted me in a way that doesn’t completely make me comfortable, if that makes sense.

It’s also a concept that I had a very extensive argument with a good friend of mine.

We share many similarities, and of course as friends we have our differences.

The argument included the concept that Human beings however evolved and advance always will retain a certain primal drive. Those drives being molded by that single persons experience throughout life.

The drive that push people to different atrocities and great breakthroughs in modern society.

The topic was that as we continue as a civilization to better ourselves and our communities, we seem to continue to find better ways to harm each other.

(All because of a movie mind you.)

I didn’t find that at all surprising.

My friend however, thought it was a terrible thing for me to accept or quietly understand.

That is how the constructive argument started.

Part of the way a person thinks comes from he or she’s background.

I’m a good example of said background affecting my outlook.

Traumas in their own way affect each individual differently; I coped in my situation by cultivating a certain understanding of why people do the things they do in order to help me be comfortable with my surroundings.

Sometimes making me seem cold, detached.

Both things I am certainly not.

I just don’t relate to painful situations like every other person does.

My way is just different, which make people individuals in their own right.

This topic came from a movie we had just finished called ‘Invasion of the body snatchers.’

Great film by the way.

At the end of the movie the alien agent confronts one of the main characters with a prospect. The alien made an observation that it was creating a positive environment for the humans it was overtaking.

The world was becoming a better place, no more senseless deaths, wars, poverty etc.

Because these aliens where taking away what made humans unique.

Our capability at individual thought and turning it into a sort of hive existence.

No bueno.

Also not an original thought when it comes to a movie; but none the less conversation worthy.

(Another interesting side note; the original 1956 version of ‘Invasion…’ was partly as I understand it to discourage the movement of Communism in the 1950’s culture or at least that was my impression. The main character in the new remake I had just watched has an interesting and amusing dialogue with a Russian diplomat about the same issue; individualism and human motivation.)

After the movie is when my friend and I got into this discussion.

He believed that we would have better off not had to endure the pain most of us feel throughout our life.

I disagreed of course, making the observation that those things that we rather not have to deal with throughout life are the things that make us human.

That all the things that happen between human beings all come from a having a different prospective, once we lose that we are no longer human.

Exactly the same reason Ryan and I were disagreeing at that very moment on a single idea made us what we are, Human.

Ryan disagreed again with me, stating that I shouldn’t be comfortable with the prospect that the reason why we do the things we do to each other are as simple as we are all ‘driven by human selfishness, greed etc.’

My human disposition defense, however right or wrong, was not entirely a comforting answer. I don't think I was going for right or wrong, just thought provoking. It's part of the reason myself and Ryan are such good friends. We can disagree and not be completely hostile.

I wonder sometimes that by existing we as human beings are here only perpetuating our own unhappiness.

Part of me feels I shouldn’t go that far in a conversation on that topic, it being all obscure as it was at the time.

I just think its good to document your own thought processes every so often with discussions like that.

Sometimes it gives you a better idea of where you come from in life.

1 comment:

Bacchus said...

I think for me I've come to accept that the trauma of my past is part of what makes me who I am today. Events in our lives shape us depending on how we deal with it. For some it makes us stronger, for others it keeps them weak.

I've always thought that man struggles with his primal desires vs. enlightened thoughts. Sometimes we do better than others and of course we all have moments when we slip into primal drive.

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